Monday, April 9, 2012

The Funny Side of Easter Eggs Hunting is History

Easter eggs Deutsch: Osterreier im gepflochten...

Easter eggs Deutsch: Osterreier im gepflochtenen Osterkorb mit Osterglocke (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

As part of celebration, I also had joined with the thousands of net surfers around the world for Easter eggs hunting. Using my desktop computer, I had visited many websites hoping to find for some Easter eggs but I could not find even one so I decided to stop. Yes. I was about to leave when I spotted a dusty place where a lonely Easter egg was hiding.

I shouted, “At last I found one!” But what surprised me, when I broke its hard outer covering inside the Easter egg; I found two old published articles written by two Triond writers. And in my thought, maybe this will answer to some questions asked by some of Triond users like “What was the first article written by the first Triond member/contributor? Or who was the first Triond contributor who first published his/her article at the site powered by Triond?”

After my thorough investigation, I found the following interesting information such as:

  • After the official launching of Triond that took place on March 14, 2006, was followed by registration or signing up of some writers who happened to be the first official contributors for the sites powered by Triond.
  • Based on the date of publication of the article entitled “Traveling in The USA” the named “Clearwater” was the first Triond writer who wrote the first article and published it at “Trifter” on May 31, 2006 at 12:00AM. The author was a Esraeli national. He also had written two additional articles entitled: Mardi Grass 2000 published on July 8, 2006 and The Last Train Station published on April 20, 2009.
  • The second Triond writer who wrote the article entitled “How to spot an acting scam” was Brock Richardson. His article was published at Quazen on June 28, 2006. That was his first and last published article.

These findings were confirmed by Mr. Udi Oz – one of the founding officers of Triond and Mr. Alistair Briggs whom I considered as one of the most dedicated Triond writers – that Clearwater and Brock Richardson and their articles are already part of Triond history! Thanks to Easter Egg Hunting…

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About the Author – My favorite Saying: “Dream Big and don’t stop without giving it a chance to come true.” I am a father of 3 for 25 years, OFW for 17 years , a Blogger, sometimes a Poet, Self-motivated and Professional by experience. You can call me Paul or Pruel. I am friendly animal but can kick you off when it is needed. LOL. I have no specific areas where my writing will focus on. I write any subject that interests me under the merciless sun.

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