Tuesday, November 22, 2011

How to Produce Article with Good Quality Contents

Giant Panda

Image by renedrivers via Flickr

Aside from bamboo, I learned that Google Panda occasionally eat other grasses, wild tubers, or even meat in the form of birds, rodents or carrion, honey, eggs, fish, yams, shrub leaves, oranges, or bananas along with specially prepared feed.

I recognized him with his black and white cat-foot. I saw its large, distinctive black patches around the eyes, over the ears and across its round body. I thought if he saw me he would become wild but I was wrong. When he saw me he smiled at me and invited me to sit down beside him. What a beautiful morning it was! Google Panda was in good mood to talk to a stranger.

So I did not waste my time. I started our conversation with laughter and normal greetings. And then my short interview for him followed. For all the questions I stoned to him, he answered them directly to the point without any hesitations. He was smart, friendly and it made me comfortable. And for the record, the below is the recorded interview I made with Google Panda.

Pruelpo: For what purpose Google has recruited you early this year?

Google Panda: The purpose is mainly to give better search results. The change aims to lower the rank of “low quality content sites” in search results and return high-quality sites to its users.

Pruelpo: Did it show good results? What websites mostly were affected?

Google Panda: Yes. It has affected the rankings of all search results. News websites and Social Networking sites benefited for this changes – their rankings rise but a drop in rankings for Advertising sites.

Pruelpo: You mentioned earlier about low quality content sites – What advice you can suggest to the owners or to the publishers of those sites?

Google Panda: To get high ranking pages on search results those publishers should aspire to conceive those low quality contents to high quality contents for their sites. If those publishers are hosting individual content writers – they should encourage them to produce articles with high and good quality contents. Now Google has started spotting, tracking and indexing acknowledgment of contents created by the individual content creators with the websites they appear on through listing the author’s link.

Pruelpo: What advice you can suggest to the individual content creators to produce articles with good quality contents?

Google Panda: For the benefits of all writers, first of all, they should realize that online writing is different from writing on print media like newspapers and magazines. If writers wrote articles for online publication with good quality contents the Search Engine crawlers will always love to crawl down those articles and will keep them coming back a year round because they found them as quality provider of good contents.

Pruelpo: I see your points though still I need more clarifications. Could you please elaborate them?

Google Panda: Writers should avoid publishing anything that is not quality or original content. They should avoid mixing some lower quality stuff with that high quality stuff just to get number of articles to publish. Injecting non-unique contents on their articles could not attract Search Engine crawlers. They need a lot of good quality contents and need to post them frequently. Frequency is also important part of the process because it helps train crawlers to come to find the food to bite. Search Engines will be happy to see that writers are consistently feeding good quality contents for the crawlers.

Pruelpo: They sound good and very effective. Are there some more helpful tips that you can advice to writers other than those you mentioned a while ago?

Google Panda: Writers should write naturally with good English grammar. And they should avoid not to keyword stuff of their contents. If they write articles of 500, 1000 and above words long – they should pick a main keyword and put it in the title of the post. They should select a bunch of sub-phrase keywords that relate the primary keyword and use them on sub-headings and fill them in about 100 to 200 per sub-section. Or for every 100 words they write they should use the keyword only once. For a five hundred word article they would use keyword at least five times. However, they can also mix two or three other keywords into the article with the primary keyword. They can also use the primary keyword once in the closing paragraph of the article. And also they can create links in the content to other pages.

The interview with Google Panda was interesting, memorable and exciting one. Now I realize that it is not yet too late for us writers to write good quality content articles. Following Google Panda’s advice we can improve our writing capabilities. Let’s do it!

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The Effect of The Robust Dropkicks of Google Panda

google books

Image by osde8info via Flickr

No matter how strong and powerful is Google Panda -Triond will always survive from its robust dropkicks. Triond's page rank is still substantial and awe-inspiring that all Triond writers should celebrate.

My attention was focused on Page Rank Checker. It is a free tool to check Google page ranking of any web site and blog site pages easily and to display its site’s Page Rank. The site is not affiliated with Google Inc., but it provides publically available information about page rank or values of the web sites or blog sites. What good about this page rank checker site is that you can install it free on your web sites or blog sites.

So I had used seven sites as my samples – five paying sites I am writing with: Allvoices, Bukisa, Factoidz, Triond and Wikinut and two blog sites that I am happily maintaining everyday: Ang Manlilikha and My Article Photo Blog.

Allvoices.com was not really affected when Google Panda was introduced. Allvoices is a site that caters both local and global news. The site concentrates on breaking news and current events that are happening around the world fed by its members/contributors from around the world. This site is under the category of News Web Sites which is favored by Google Panda. Its present page rank is still awesome of 6 from 10 possible points.

Bukisa.com a few months ago, some of us thought that the site was for closure. When Google Algorithm changes Bukisa suffered. However, Bukisa management worked hard to get back the trust of their members/ contributors. Its team agreed and decided to change some of its site policies mainly on posting article. In the present the page rank of Bukisa is 5 from 10 possible points. The site survives well against the threat of Google Panda.

Factoidz.com is a place to share knowledge. Share your expertise, meet other experts and earn passive income based on the quality of your participation. Its present page rank is down to 4 from 10 possible points compared to 7 from 10 possible points at the time when Google Panda was not yet active on kicking off poor quality content sites. This is showing that until now Factoidz is still suffering from the powerful dropkicks of Google Panda. Added there are numbers of negative complaints and feedbacks against the site from its own members/contributors.

Triond.com When Google introduced Google Panda, Triond was one of the many website publishers across the Internet affected. Mostly of us Triond writers were complaining why our views and earnings were notably decreasing in spite of our efforts and hard works – without realizing that Triond was ardently working hard to pacify the plague. And through consultation from its members/contributors the Flag button was materialized. Now some of us are using the flag button to report those stuffs as spam, adult content, plagiarism, insufficient quality and wrong category. I wish nobody will abuse it. Now the present page rank of Triond is 5 from 10 possible points which is two points a head of Wikinut and one point higher than Factoidz. No matter how strong and powerful is Google Panda -Triond will always survive from its robust dropkicks. Let us celebrate and stay tuned with triond.

Wikinut.com is an online publisher for the masses. You can write pages for Wikinut. They publish them online for a worldwide audience. As with many other websites Wikinut earns money by selling advertising space. For every article on their site they show targeted adverts. All the submitted articles are moderated by human moderators. Once people begin to read your content, any revenue generated by your adverts will be tracked by their system. You’ll then earn 50% of this revenue – and continue to receive these royalties for the lifetime of your article. At the present the site page rank increased to 3 from 10 possible points.

Ang Manlilikha was my first blog site I created at wordpress.com almost four years ago. This site caters all of my personal journals: poems in Filipino language and other articles I have written in English and Filipino languages. Now from personal blog site I exposed it to bigger and international audience. This site serves also as my landing page to share all of the articles I published at Triond and other paying sites. Ang Manlilikha also helps bring traffics to all the paying sites I am connected with. The present page rank is 3 from 10 possible points.

My Article Photo Blog is my newest blog site I created at Blogger.com from the idea How to Turn Article Text to Photo Blogging; a photo speaks a million words. This is also my other landing page where I shared mostly of my articles published from the different paying sites I am connected to. This blog also helps generate traffics and views to those web sites I am writing with. The present page rank is 2 from 10 possible points.

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How to Avoid From Writing Forbidden Contents

Supporters of domestic violence victims look a...

Image via Wikipedia

It is said that taboo challenges one's free speech and individual rights to express a subject or issue in need to be addressed.

Dictionary and Encyclopedia define Taboo as any of the negative traditions, objects, or behaviors generally regarded as harmful to social welfare or something that is forbidden by a society as unacceptable or improper. It is a strong social prohibition relating to any area of human activity or social custom that is sacred and forbidden based on moral judgment and religious beliefs. Breaking the taboo is usually considered ill-favored or offensive by society.

The below are some taboo subjects that according to some experts should be avoided such as:

(1) Rape –  Until now there are people unhappy to read stories which feature a sexual assault or which has rape as a central theme especially when it is written from the rapist’s viewpoint.

(2) Prostitution – Anything that seems to glamorize prostitution will be frowned on and any story dealing with an underage prostitute may cause you headaches if you describe him/her in any sex act. It is illegal.

(3) Under Age Sex – Any story that deals with children being treated as objects of desire or being forced into sex is out and should not be discussed.

(4) IncestSexual relations between people classed as being too closely related to marry each other or about the crime of making-love with a parent, child, sibling, or grandchild.

(5) Phone Sex Lines – They are also considered as taboo even though they are dealt with in a humorous way.

(6) Promiscuity - The state or quality of being promiscuous. In human sexual behavior, it denotes sex with relatively many partners. 

(7) Fetishism – It deals about an object believed to have supernatural powers, or in particular, a man-made object that has power over others or the practice of using an inanimate object as the focus of sexual pleasure.

(8) AIDS – This is also considered as taboo contents. Many people are still uncomfortable to read stories about the subject maybe because some people do not fully understand the condition and still scared by reading about it.

(9) Stalking – Avoid advocating stalking or describing a man lustfully watching his prey undressing or telling the story in a manner through the eyes of the stalker.

(10) Drugs – This is one of the big taboos. Whatever your own personal views – still many people are vehemently opposed to drug-taking in any form.

(11) Child Abuse – No matter how beautifully and meaningfully you wrote the story it is still regarded as taboo. Avoid having a story where an innocent friendship grows between a child and an older man or woman. It will be viewed with suspicion.

(12) Unmarried Mothers – Avoid writing articles dealing with unmarried mothers. Some people still regarded them as forbidden subjects.

(13) Living in Sin – This falls into the same category as unmarried mothers. Some people will still be unhappy about the thought of a couple cohabiting who are not legally wed.

(14) Divorce – Some people are still uncomfortable to read stories about divorce or the split up a marriage.

(15) The Disabled – This is also considered as taboo by some people.

(16) Homosexuality – Avoid story describing homosexual love making. Many people still believed that this can cause grave offence.

(17) Social Irresponsibility – This is also regarded as taboo especially if your story is telling about irresponsible and scandalous behaviour of people.

(18) Violence – This is another of the great taboos especially if against women. It is a big no.

(19) Domestic Violence – Anything that describes domestic violence in any emotionally moving or disturbing way is likely to run into problems such as wife-beating, mysterious black eyes and girlfriends fleeing to refuges.

(20) Poverty – Some people considered it as depressing. The truth hurts.

(21) Old People – This is also considered as taboo.

(22) Minority Groups – Avoid portraying members of minority groups.

(23) Using Black as a Symbol of Evil or Depression – Some people claim that this has all sorts of sinister and racist connotations.

(24) Criminals – People do not want criminals to benefit from their crimes. And there are people uncomfortable to read stories advocating criminals.

(25) Swearing – This is one of the biggest taboos of all!

Taboo contents are hot subjects that can attract people to read and invite search engine crawlers and spiders to hang on. But some people considered them not healthy subjects or topics to discuss and to share them to a decent site.

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Is Dialogue Really Necessary--part Two


Image via Wikipedia

When we hear the characters speak we experience the events in the story as they happen. We are there in the thick of the action. But when characters do not speak, the writer has to put over the missing dialogue in other ways - usually in long, fussy descriptive passages and clumsy, intrusive explanations. We are no longer involved in the story, we are listening to a narrator recounting the adventures in a flat, static, second-hand summary that others considered a poor substitute for a ring-side seat on the action.

A story needs a dynamic dialogue. Most of what we say in an average day is boring, repetitive and commonplace. Short story dialogue cannot afford to be any of these things. It is the key phrase, the vital speech that brings tension, humor or drama to the piece. It is the writer’s equivalent of the journalist sound bite. To prove it, consider which of the samples has more impact:

A. ”I hate you,” Leah screamed, waving the knife in Paul’s face. I’ll make sure you never betray me again. I’ll make sure you never look at another woman…ever!”

Edging back, he gulped. “L-l-look,” he stammered, “can’t we be calm and talk about this? You don’t need the knife.”

B. Angrily Leah confronted Paul, waving a knife in his face. She told him he would never betray her again with another woman. He backed away nervously, asking if they could talk it out. He told her that she did not need to threaten him with a knife.

A and B contain the same basic information but one is exciting. At A, there is life, danger, emotion when Leah screams in rage. While B is not dramatic – in fact it reads like the minutes of a committee meeting.

Dialogue has three main functions:

  • To move on the action of the story. “Honey, sit down. I’ve got a surprise for you. It wasn’t indigestion after all…I’m pregnant!”
  • To reveal more about the characters. “Love you? I could never love anyone poor.”
  • To inject excitement. “If you don’t hand it over, I’ll kill you – so help me!”

In all these instances, dialogue is providing information – not just slavishly mimicking speech. If your dialogue is not telling the reader something crucial about the action, the characters or the atmosphere, it should not be there. 

Also fiction writers should not fall into the Hello trap. Beware having your characters waste their dialogue on routine greetings and pleasantries. There is no need to have them wishing each other good morning or asking: how are you keeping these days? It is surprising how much space in a short story you can gobble up with people saying hello and goodbye to each other. It is amazing how much such greetings kill the pace. Also do not allow characters to rabbit on pointlessly just for the sake of hearing their own voices. Unless a conversation is emotion-packed and plays an important part in moving the plot forward, leave it out. 

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Ten Neglected Virtues

Love Problems and Advice Illustrated SA

Image via Wikipedia

This article is merely an experiment about the idea – how to expose and promote our very old published articles again across the Internet.

The problems we face in our individual lives, in our families and in our nations are greater than any of us can solve with our own judgment. They are problems for which we need inspiration and spiritual guidance. Now we live in an age in which traditional beliefs have been deflated, insulted and humiliated. We desperately need leaders who will flourish them and who can explain why they are worth depending. Who knows maybe you are one of them to depend these old-fashioned values and virtues.

I believe that there is no greater thing we could do than to increase our faith and confident to the Almighty and to appeal to Him regularly through our personal and family prayer.

Feeling sad, angry or depressing is not wrong. But dwelling on these thoughts for too long is not healthy either. I know that each of us is impossible to keep ourselves from the negative things around us but we can still carry a positive attitude by focusing on the good things in life.

There are many things that we must be grateful – firstly to the Almighty, for the wonders of the human body and the miracle of the human mind and for the universe He created for us. To those people who lived before us who have built the community and nations. To our parents and other family members who have contributed so dramatically to our lives, to friends who have given us the benefit of the doubt again and again.

When my father was still alive, he often told us about the importance of saving. He always reminded us the old saying “The hard works of a person is nothing when he does not know how to save”. When I got married twenty-four years ago, what I learned from my father, I also taught it to my children that includes also about financial planning and budgeting.

I see that forgiveness, mercy and compassion are the essence of goodness. We need these qualities in homes where tiny hills of misunderstanding grow into mountains of argument between husband and wife, parents and children, friends between friends, neighbors between neighbors that sometimes hang on to grievance for years and even for a lifetime.

Mostly of us love to learn. No matter how old we become, we can acquire knowledge and use it. We can gather wisdom and profit from it. We can grow progress and improve and in the process – strengthen the lives of those within our circle of influence.

I was about nine year old and was a grade two pupil at that time. I had a classmate who cannot walk as normal as I was. He was our neighbor. His left leg was smaller and shorter than his right leg. Mostly of the time I made fun of him and laughed at him that made him cry. One day, I made some kind of disparaging remark of him without my notice that my mother was standing behind me and did hear me. She called me to get inside the house and quickly proceeded to sitting me down, hitting me with a broom and followed with a lecture.

Pornography robs its victims of self-respect and of an appreciation of the beauties of life. It tears down those who indulge and pulls them into a slough of evil thoughts and possibly evil deeds. It seduces, destroys and distorts the truth about love and intimacy. It is as addictive and self-destructive as illicit drugs and it literally destroys the personal relationships of those who become its slaves.

I observe and see the result of dishonesty. I even concluded it as one of the many reasons why there is poverty and hardships to people and country. This condition hovers over many lands, and there are millions of children around the world who are malnourished, cannot attend school, dying for food and no shelter to house them. 

It is the heart of life, the force that erases the differences between people. It bridges the splits of bitterness, the pot of gold at the beginning and at the end of the rainbow. It springs the beauty that bends across the sky on a stormy days, the security for which children weep. It is the yearning of youth and the adhesive that binds marriage

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Is Dialogue Really Necessary--part One

Students Chatting

Image via Wikipedia

Take a look at any group at a party. The people who do not speak are ignored. When people open their mouths and speak - it signal that they truly come to life. So dialogue in its simplest form is just a conversation between two or more people. It is just like the chats you hear and take part in every day. Nothing more threatening than that.

Dialogue scares new writers. They will do anything to avoid it – cross the street, move house, change their names. But you cannot run away from it forever. Dialogue must be faced and mastered if you ever hope to make it into print. Have you ever seen a published story that did not contain at least some dialogue? Normally we spend our lives talking to each other and we expect the characters who inhabit the stories we read to do the same. Then why is it so scary?

Correct me if I am wrong that the reason most new writers give is that, deep inside themselves, they are afraid to reproduce conversations that are real; that sound right. So how you would make characters speak like real people in your story? How do you pick up on each person’s individual mannerisms and unique speech patterns? Surely for new writers it is impossible – unless they are trained linguist who have the time to go round tape-recording conversations and analyzing them.

The good news is that you do not have to. In fact, it does not matter if your dialogue is not authentic, as long it sounds as though it might be. Dialogue is not an accurate representation of how people speak. It is a carefully selected series of words uttered by characters that pretend to be real people.

The purpose of dialogue is to put over vital information – about what is happening, how people feel, the tension of the situation or the background of the main characters. It puts over information in much the same way as your descriptions do. It tell the reader important facts and snippets of information he needs to know.

When you look at a story, you will see that the way the characters talk is not realistic at all. There are no ahs and ums, no woolly phrases or sentences that drift off at a tangent, no sentences left unfinished. Everything is clear, quick and clean.

Yes, dialogue is vital. Characters need to speak. They need to be heard – out loud. If you writer do not let your readers hear what the character thinks and feels out of his own mouth, he will remain forever a symbol – not a living, breathing, individual and your reader would not care about him or what happens to him. Dialogue brings the readers closer to the characters. A story without dialogue is boring. You writer is like summarizing only events rather than letting them unfold in real time. You will end up telling instead of showing!

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