Thursday, January 5, 2012

Traffic is The Lifeblood of Any Publishing Sites

Image representing YouTube as depicted in Crun...

Image via CrunchBase

YouTube is a user-generated community where people post videos, comment on things they like and engage in a conversation with others. And because it is a user-generated, people have more trust in what they see on YouTube. It is considered as the most persuasive marketing vehicle to drive hundreds or even thousands of visitors to your sites and to your article pages. And this might the answer you are looking for as it is considered the best traffic source after the Panda update.

Reasons why you should not ignore YouTube:

  • YouTube is now the third most visited website on the Internet.
  • YouTube is the second most popular search engine online behind Google – people want now video-answers.
  • YouTube is now owned by Google and videos are indexed right insight Google’s Search results.
  • YouTube now gets over 3 billion views a day.

Full Story: Do not Ignore YouTube to Get Traffic and Views


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Maximize The Use of Delicious

Featured Article Star, as found on English lan...

Image via Wikipedia

November 22, 2011, I started using Delicious for my sharing activities, I had already created at least six stack. with different article links taken from different publishing sites that published my articles like Triond, Wikinut, Squidoo, ExpertsColumn – including article links from my two blog sites: My Star Articles and My Article Photo Blog. So far I have two featured stacks: Triond Star Pages and the Star Article Blog. What good at Delicious, you can add more links to every stack you created.

Delicious is quite similar to StumbleUpon, especially now that StumbleUpon has made some changes on their site. At Delicious you can share your awesome articles, photos and videos and other stuff to other Delicious users. The site has the potential to bring traffics and views to your article pages too as well as to the sites that published them.

Full Story: Another Option to Promote Your Articles and Other Stuff


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