Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Three Sources of Triond Potential Income

NSPC 2010 Online Writing Contest_13

Image by thepocnews via Flickr

Published on Writinghood, Mar 26, 2011 Category – Online Writing

The more you write articles, the more you refer people to Triond and the more clicks of adverts found on every article page you have are the three main sources of our Triond income.

While playing with my Triond control panel, my attention was focused on the earning section. Under it are grouped of words written such as Content, Referrals and Google AdSense. Each is displaying some amounts of money as my Triond earnings for this month which is now higher compared with my last month earnings. 

As I analyzed them, I found out that the more articles I wrote and published, the more the chances to get views and traffics. The more people I referred to Triond to become contributors, the more chances of bigger commissions I would get from my referrals if all of them are actively writing too and the more visitors to visit and read my articles pages are the more chances for the clicks of adverts which mean an increase of my Google AdSense earnings.

Now I understand why there is always a included message said, “Create More Content, Focus on Profitable Topics, Share Your Content, Add Triond’s Widgets to Your Blog or Website and  Follow the Writing Guidelines” with the notice from Triond Team when my article is approved and published on one of the websites powered by them.

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The Art of Sharing of Our Awesome Articles to Our Blog Sites

Image representing Blogger as depicted in Crun...

Image via CrunchBase

Published on Webupon, Mar 26, 2011 Category – Search Engines

There are many ways how we can share our awesome articles to our blog sites - either by sharing the whole context of the article, the URL link of the article or the RSS feeds of our articles from the paying sites we are contributing. A while ago, I found an interesting way to share my articles to my blog site and I would like to share it to others.

It is understood that the purpose of sharing of our articles to our blog sites is to get traffics and views and inviting visitors, networked of friends and readers to visit the site where our articles are published.

Recently, I created a new blog site My Article Photo Blog hosted by blogger. My purpose for this blog – this will showcase all my articles published at the different paying sites. This means I don’t need anymore to write article blog for my newly blog site instead, I will just use those published articles found at the different websites that published my articles through by sharing them to my blog site.

My blog site has some features like YouTube videos, audio and some links like Dictionary, Thesaurus, Translator, Encyclopedia and other interesting links plus Google ad sense and Amazon. I created it with love before submitting it to Google search engine, Bing, Yahoo, AOL and other search engines. Also I connected it to other giant social networks like Facebook, Twitter and many more.

This is now the thrill. You can share your articles published at Triond and other paying sites to your blog sites through a new method – by turning your articles into photo blogging. Remember a photo speaks a million words.

This is what you would do for your effective article sharing:

  • Look for a photo that will describe about your article.
  • There are free photos available in the Internet.
  • Do not use photo which is a copy righted.
  • You can find them at Wikipedia/Wikimedia under creative commons.
  • You can find them at Flickr owned by Yahoo under creative commons.
  • If there are no available photos on those sites – use your own photo collections.
  • Write a short summary about your article underneath the photo you used.
  • Include the URL link of the article below the summary for the “Full Story”.
  • Look at the photos I included with this article and examine them.
  • Visit My Article Photo Blog – to see what I am trying to tell you are true – to get an idea.

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

100 Articles for 74 Days of Hard Labor--a Legacy That I Could be Proud of


Image by Ed Yourdon via Flickr

Published on Writinghood, Mar 24, 2011 Category - Writing

My Triond dashboard had become my original book of records for all the transactions I am venturing with this site. From it I learned that I have already written about 100 articles so far including this one if approved for 74 days of hard labor - a legacy that I could be proud of.

Today I found out that my Triond dashboard is the most perfect place to look around for great ideas for articles. My Triond dashboard caters all the information about my overall activities at our Triond community.

During the month of October 2010, I had used six days to write my awesome blogging and I published at least 10 articles. For the month of November 2010, I published 5 articles for 5 days of hard works. During December 2010, I wrote and published at least 14 articles for 14 days of hard labor. For the month of January 2011, there were about 20 articles I published for 17 days working with my computer. For February 2011, I wrote at least 34 articles for 18 days. For the present month including this one if approved are 16 articles needed to complete the 100 articles. I wrote them for 14 days respectively.

The articles were written and published under 42 different categories (not including this article).

Opportunities – five articles, Business - five articles, Writing - eight articles, Conditions and Diseases – four articles, Issues – five articles, Poetry – one article, Social Networks – six articles, Christianity – two articles, Search Engines – six articles, Holidays – two articles, Money making – three articles, Shopping – three articles, Online Writing – three articles, Blogging – three articles, Technology – two articles, Thoughts – four articles, Asia Pacific – one article, Relationship – one article, Advice – one article, Philosophy – four articles, Meteorology -one article, Mathematics – four articles.

Islam – one article, Humor – two articles, Education – five articles, Government – one article, Style – one article, Book Talk – one article, Psychology – two articles, How To – one article, Work – one article, Religion – one article, Health – one article, Society – one article, Arts – one article, Paranormal – one article, Journal – one article, Spiritual – one article, Web Talk – one article, Ethnicity – one article and People – one article. 

If we will analyze those categories I mentioned above – they are hot keywords as well as hot tags that SEO (Search Engines Optimization) would love to crawl. Lastly, don’t stop playing with your Triond dashboard. I considered it as a great mine for great ideas for article writings. 

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Ideas Come When I Don't Need Them

A Writing Kind of Day

Image via Wikipedia

Published on Writinghood, Mar 23, 2011 Category - Writing

Ideas don't come on my way when I needed them. But when I don't need them, they come on bunch knocking my brain.

Today, the whole morning, my brain was empty. There was no idea pouring in. I was totally out of inspiration. And this condition had almost pushed me to walk away from my computer. But before leaving, I checked out  first my Triond message box. And there I found a short message from one of my Triond friends. And from that message an idea has started flowing in.

I quoted the message that reads “I’m newbie in Triond. Could you give some tips to be succeeded in this site?”

I did not let him wait for long. I replied him immediately. I quoted them here as follows:

  • Write awesome original articles and publish them.
  • Share them to your friends, family and to social networks.
  • Make friends with other Trionders.
  • Visit other pages and leave comments.
  • Support other newbies by visiting and commenting on their works.
  • Share your Triond articles to your blog site: wordpress, blogger and other hosting sites.
  • Maximize the use of facebook and twitter.

In addition, I also invited him to visit and check out some of my articles published here as their contents contained all of the above I mentioned such as:

From that short communication, this article you’re reading now was the result. Also I promote my previous published articles with this article.


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What We Read From The Internet are 100% Plagiarized Pieces

Published on Socyberty, Mar 22, 2011 Category – Education

Today, I admit that the idea I injected for this article is the result of my foolishness. It was said that Plagiarism in some contexts is considered theft or stealing but from the point of view of the law, it is a non-existing concept. Plagiarism is not mentioned in any current statute, either criminal or civil.

A number of reasons I see that will prove that what we read from the Internet are 100% plagiarized pieces. This might include too of our original writings published on our blog sites and other paying sites. As I always said, don’t take this seriously. This is only a warm up guys.

Now I will ask you to analyze this statement: When we say original works - it is created or invented works by as being new respectively (from the first stroke of the point till the last stroke of the point to finish it), and thus can be distinguished from reproductions, clones, forgeries, or derivative works or it is a created work not received from others nor one copied based on the work of others.

Secondly I will ask you to browse or surf the Internet. Look for an article to read about any subject topic. If you can do so read it twice or as you like. Then copy a sentence from that article. Be sure that it has a subject and predicate with punctuation.

Assuming that the sentence you copied for analyzing is found from this article you are reading now and it is the title I used here “What We Read from The Internet are 100% Plagiarized Pieces“. How you can prove it that this sentence I used for the title is plagiarized? Now analyze the sentence.

To help analyze the sentence look the following:

  • The letters I used on that sentence
  • The number and other characters I used
  • The punctuation I used
  • The words I used to form the sentence

Next ask yourself the following:

  • Did Pruelpo know about letters before the English Alphabet was invented?
  • Did Pruelpo know how to form a word from letters before the English Alphabet was created?
  • Did Pruelpo know how to use punctuations before the English Alphabet was invented?
  • Did Pruelpo arrive before the invention of the English Alphabet?

If your answers are “YES” to the above questions – it means that the article you are reading now is not plagiarized.

The fact is – the letters, words, numbers, punctuations and other characters needed for our awesome writings are plagiarized from those people who first invented them. They were invented hundred or thousand years ago, available in dictionaries, encyclopedias and other learning materials! Your views and opinions are welcome.

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The Significance of Roy G. Biv to People

Rainbow Valley

Image by rwangsa via Flickr

Published on Socyberty, Mar 22, 2011 Category - People

Who is Roy G. Biv? What is his significance to people lives, history, culture and beliefs? How old is he?

He is the most loved of all times but he is untouchable. He exists through out the different ages of times. He can influence our actions and emotions. He signifies peace and hope, orderliness, energy, creativity, harmony, wisdom and inspiration. 

He has no sexuality. He is abusively used as a vital subject for scientific studies about the significance of colors; in culture and mythology as in history, phenomenon and beliefs; in music – many singers and composers used him for their professions and careers; in arts – many artists used him on their paintings; in literature – he inspires the metaphor and simile and in other imaginable ideas that people may come to create and enjoy.

He can be expressed in many ways such as Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain that refer to the defeat and death of Richard, Duke of York at the Battle of Wakefield, Rowntrees of York Gave Best in Value and Read Out Your Good Book In Verse.

He is the acronym or the mnemonic name of the seven beautiful colors found when the rain and bow are  together – which was believed as a sign of the sacred agreements between God and Noah said that the terrestrial life would never again be destroyed by flood.

And for bloggers and other writers, he is the unending source of ideas too to write for awesome articles!


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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My Secret Sharer is a Hacker Who is Also a Triond User


Image by DeusXFlorida via Flickr

Published on Socyberty, Mar 16, 2011 Category - Ethnicity

I am just a newbie at Triond. I am not yet a superstar here. But why someone here - who is also a Triond user/contributor is using my identity!

Last March 16, 2011 – around 9:30 PM Saudi Time, I found my secret sharer at Triond – who is also a Triond user/contributor in the named of John Watson. I know that name calling here is not appropriate though this is an issue that needs an immediate action.

While browsing other Triond’s users pages, to look for some new-would-be-friends to add - I found John Watson at One of Triond Users Profile Page as one of his friends. When I clicked John Watson, I was propelled directly to his Triond’s page. But what surprised me – it was my own dashboard page. He’s not me but me is he! What the hell is going on here?

What is his logic? What is his relationship to Triond site and its staff? Why Triond allowed him to use my whole identity?

In behalf of the thousand users of Triond – I am requesting Triond now and its staff to investigate this person in the named of John Watson ASAP, please.

Recently I wrote an article about How to Spot Yahoo Spammers and Hackers only to find it out now that I am already hacked by someone here at Triond.

John Watson is my secret sharer who also controls now everything I posted here. I have no idea how to stop him. Triond Editor, its Staff and all Triond Users – I am calling your attention please. Now I am afraid he might also hack my wife and my children! LOL…

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Article About Numbers Will Attract Heavy Traffics Too

Google X, alternate interface to Google search

Image via Wikipedia

Published on Webupon, Mar 16, 2011 Category – Search Engines

My article about numbers attract heavy traffics and still counting from the date it was published on March 6, 2011 and the tags I used here are just the common tags like - Alphabets, Life, Mathematics, Numerology, Paranormal, Society, Spirituality and Triond.

Out of 94 articles (excluding this one if approved) that are already published on the websites powered by Triond – this one has stood out. So far this article has generated total views of about 1,036 alone that started on the date of publication and still receiving views. Also it accumulated the highest earning points of 56$ cents compared to my other articles. This is something I could be proud of.

From this article, I learned many things like:

  • It is not necessarily to go out often from Triond just to look for ideas to write.
  • Great ideas can be found inside Triond alone.
  • Our own articles and our friends’ articles can suggest other great ideas too.
  • Our own dashboards, contents section including our profile pages are also sources of ideas to write.
  • Our friends’ list section can suggest many ideas to write too.

In addition, I also learned that it is not advisable to write a long article that ranges from 1,500 words and above in one article – instead, it is better to write it by parts or by series – as mostly of Internet surfers don’t spend a long time on reading for a long article. Mostly of them would only stay for at least 5 minutes on reading.

Choosing the best tags for our articles will help boost traffics. Now I enjoy googling first the tags on search engines like – let me Google that for you, Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines before applying them to my article.

The tags I used for my article about numbers have helped much to attract views. When I googled them I found the following:

  • AlphabetsGoogle search gave 7,390,000 results.
  • Life – Google search gave 4,730,000,000 results.
  • Mathematics – Google search gave 206,000,000 results.
  • Numerology – Google search gave 6,140,000 results.
  • Paranormal – Google search gave 69,600,000 results.
  • Society – Google search gave 567,000,000 results.
  • Spirituality – Google search gave 61,200,000 results.
  • – Google search gave 2,850,000 results.

Also I learned that I should not just leave my article to SEO crawlers. The power of sharing to social networks, blog sites, egroups and forum groups, friends and to my email contacts is also helpful to attract traffics.

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How to Get a Triond Badge Without Posting Anything


Image by strovek via Flickr

Published on Webupon, Mar 15, 2011 Category – Web Talk

You might find the above title as a mind boggling question. But don't be misled guys. This is another silly thought I have today. And I feel at this very moment there are people out there laughing at me now as this is impossible. Although the evidence is clear - I got my August 2010 badge without any article posted during that period. And this is my confession.

I had joined Triond on the mid of August 2010. And there was an August Special that says “Publish at least 5 articles during August and you will automatically receive a 10% increase in revenues!” and in addition to it an August Badge will be awarded too.

My August 2010 Triond Badge.

The month of August 2010 had come to pass. As recorded in my journal I earned less than 50 dollar cents with the August badge. I received the payment with my October pay through Pay Pal. However, I stopped visiting Triond from the start of September to October 20, 2010. And during that period I kept busy posting articles at other paying sites. In my profile page – there were no records of evidence that I have written articles from that particular period of time particularly from August, September till October 20, 2010.

If you will visit my Triond Profile Page – my August badge is visible. And if you will browse my articles published in that section, you will see that my first recorded published article was dated October 21, 2010.

As I told you, this might be a mind boggling question: How did I get my August 2010 Triond Badge? If you will have the interest to answer the above question through your comments you are welcome. Guess as you wish. There will be a surprise waiting! 


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How Do Numbers Tell Our Life Paths, Our Expressions and Our Heart Desires--part Five

Bingo Number 11

Image by Leo Reynolds via Flickr

Published on Socyberty, Mar 14, 2011 Category – Spirituality

This is now the last part – if in case you will have the interest to learn some of the mechanics I applied here on how to calculate for our life paths numbers, expressions numbers and for our hearts desires which are also known as our souls urges – you may go back to previous parts. This last part is all about what my desire to be, to have, and to do in my life and this is also for people born with the same heart desire numbers.

My heart desire number is 11. I have already done all the mathematics necessary to work out this number. It is simply the total of the top row (the vowels) of my full birth name I discussed on Part Three. After adding all the numbers of the top row, I got a total of 47. Now to get my heart desire number - I will now add (4 +7) which is equals 11.

To refresh and to have a full idea about the subject topic, you may click the following – (only if you wanted to) for the purpose of self-study. I consider this as “Mind Exercise“.

For those who also bear with the same number 11 – its details are really interesting to read and to share.

Our heart’s purpose is to manifest ideals into reality but usually such an endeavor means that we must be a catalyst for change. For this reason many who encounter us actually fear us as what we suggest and say is a threat to their emotional and physical security. However this does not usually bother us as we have an innate realization that without chaos there can be no personal transformations or betterment of society. 

Our highest calling is to become the master of a religion or of a spiritual realm. This can be a painful process emotionally as it often means the stripping away of the personality and ego. Many of us travel a very difficult path, fraught with personal, physical and financial obstacles as the cosmos tests our mettle to have faith only in our higher self. 

We are considered as the ultimate seeker of truth and will go to any lengths to find spiritual teachers or gurus. This search often leads us on a path that is full of many pitfalls and disappointments as we realize that one spiritual system doesn’t work for us or that a guru or teacher is only human after all. However by the end of our life, we are fated to acquire a great deal of practical and esoteric wisdom. Many of us become as hard and clear as diamonds when it comes to our clarity about the human race

We also have the highest ideals of any other number and therefore set ourselves up for disappointment. Many of us are born to be very sensitive emotionally and many of our heart lessons have to do with detaching emotionally from the pain and misery of the human race. Common heart lessons learned by number 11s are not to take things personally, to realize that everything, including happiness, is transitional and to realize that nothing is perfect (especially humans.) At the beginning of our lives we are often very attached to people, but by the end we usually achieve an omniscient emotional distance that is more beneficial and healing for a large group of humans than just a few.

Often our search for spiritual truth leads us to experimentation with mind-altering drugs. We are fascinated with the idea of altering our consciousness to achieve enlightenment. Rather than drugs, teachings from a master or trips to holy or mystical places would better cultivate our talents.

One of the dangers of being an eleven is that we think our psyche can take in anything and not suffer damage. Some of the spiritual experiences that we desire may be too strong for our delicate nervous system. For this reason we need to avoid mind-altering drugs, situations that are too extreme or religions that invite us to host dead spirits. We are also more vulnerable to astral attack than the other numbers simply because we are like a wide-open channel that is willing to receive psychic information from others. As some psychic information is destructive we need to learn meditation and psychic protection techniques to shield ourselves from negative influences and energies.

As we are so curious it is very easy for us to be lead down the wrong spiritual path. If this does happen we are better off to forgive ourselves and move on rather than dwell on a mistake that we think may have ruined our life. Testing our faith with negative spiritual influences is another way that the cosmos assures that we will eventually learn to transcend the ego desires of our personality. Please bear with me this last part.

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How to Spot Yahoo Spammers and Hackers

SAN FRANCISCO, CA - JULY 19:  A  Yahoo! billbo...

Image by Getty Images via @daylife



Published on Webupon, Mar 12, 2011 Category – Search Engines

Usually you will receive communications from these yahoo spammers and hackers addressed to your spam section though some of them go to your mail box.

When you open your email in your yahoo mail box immediately investigate it. Look for the sender and the addressee. The heading of the email will tell you who is the sender with the word “from” and the addressee with the word “to”.

Yahoo spammers and hackers are using “Yahoo! Member Services “. Beware with these senders. They are not employees of yahoo. The yahoo member services employees will never send you email without using your yahoo email valid address.

Their email will look like this:

From: Yahoo! Member Services

To: (The sender did not write my yahoo email valid address here)

For Security Precaution and for optimal viewing of the Yahoo Web site, we recommend that you enable CSS.

For your security, we are currently updating our services. So you are required to log on to your Online Yahoo Account with the provided link below. For immediate access, please Sign on to verify your identity: Click Here

Thank you for helping us serve you better. Copyright © 2011 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.

If you clicked the link they provided to you - you will be redirected to sign in section. And when you log in on that section your yahoo ID and other identities are automatically hacked. 


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I Give Back My Praise to God for His Blessings

Image representing Triond as depicted in Crunc...

Image via CrunchBase

Published on AuthSpot, Mar 11, 2011 Category – Journals

Today I am blessed. And I give back my praise to God for His blessings.

Some blessings come to my way because I worked hard for them. And that I am grateful to say thank you firstly to God – who has given me the potential natural talents for my awesome blogging hobby.

Secondly to some paying sites like Triond and Wikinut where my articles are published. I consider them as my second home base - to sitting down and relaxing while writing on some of my silly thoughts.

Thirdly to all my Triond and Wikinut friends, visitors and readers who have given me their precious time supporting and commenting my published articles.

Today, I am happy indeed. When I checked out my Pay Pal account, I received the payment from Triond amounting to US$1.78 for the month of February 2011. I also received another payment from Wikinut amounting to £2.99 GBP.

As for the records, Triond has paid me already the following amounts that started from October 2010. 

Payment ID
Paid On       

Mar 10, 2011

Feb 10, 2011

Jan 10, 2011

Oct 10, 2010

Thank you God. Thank you Triond and Wikinut. Thank you friends, visitors and readers. You have made my day complete.


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How Do Numbers Tell Our Life Paths, Our Expressions and Our Heart Desires--part Four

Edgar Cayce (1877–1945) was a psychic of the 2...

Image via Wikipedia

Published on Socyberty, Mar 8, 2011 Category – Paranormal

Part one was all about life path and how to calculate the life path number by using the life path chart. Part two was all about the significance of the life path number for people who have the same life path number. On part three I showed to you on how to calculate the expression number by using my birth name. Now bear with me for part four.

For those who will have the interest to read again Part One, Part Two and Part Three – please do so. On part three I calculated the expression number 9. It gives us some awesome details especially on the potential natural talents and abilities of people who’re born with this number.

The ultimate height of their personal expressions in life is the chance to offer to others. They are spiritual in a very practical way and others are often drawn to their empathy and compassion. They work well with people of all ages but they particularly delight in inspiring creativity in children and young adults. For this reason they make a fantastic teacher, counselor or psychologist.

Others trust them implicitly because they are so kind, considerate and consistent. They are often the one that is still there when everyone else has abandoned someone for being a “lost cause.” They are an extremely loyal and dependable friend. 

They are a very intuitive individual who is deeply connected to others in a spiritual way. Many nines are prophets, healers and psychics. If they are not psychic then at the very least they are deeply drawn to studying matters of the occult or religion in some way. As they are so driven by their intuition, they are not often found in a day job but rather in an occupation that allows them to go where their heart leads them.

As others don’t understand their idealism they might suffer a great deal of skepticism or criticism in their life. While very young they may have learned to cloak their personalities in eccentricity so that others don’t take them seriously. They may have also gained a great deal of weight or developed a disability that gives them the excuse not to have march in step with the mass population. Often these illnesses and personal problems exist in order to eventually to jump start a leap on the spiritual path to enlightenment. Their trials and troubles often eventually qualify them as a “wounded healer” by the end of their life. 

They are very concerned with the issue of how to express unconditional love. This is a very troubling concept for them as it is difficult for them to accept that one could love another so much and get no cosmic reward in return. It is often part of a number nine’s life expression path to be stuck with a difficult soul mate or experience a lot of rejection. This is the universe’s way of forcing them to connect with others on a spiritual way rather in a way that is lustful or possessive.

Love is the most important thing in the world to them but they often have problems finding a soul mate. Many nines do not make good parents because they are too driven by impulse to be a consistent presence in a child’s life. Their partners or lovers may also find them frustrating because they live so much in the present and rarely think of the future. 

They are very warm and friendly and almost all that meet them are immediately impressed by their gentle and kind personalities. As the last thing anyone could ever call them are shallow, they sometimes don’t pay that much attention to their personal appearance. Also putting others priorities ahead of their own often leads to a great deal of self-sacrifice. One of their challenges is to make sure that they take time out to take care of themselves and their surroundings.

Creativity and art mean a great deal to them and many of them are great poets, musicians and artists. Art is an ideal way for them to express their love of harmony and the divine order of the universe.  

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Monday, September 19, 2011

How Do Numbers Tell Our Life Paths, Our Expressions and Our Heart Desires--part Three

Pewter Number 9

Image by Leo Reynolds via Flickr

Published on Scienceray, Mar 7, 2011 Category – Mathematics

During my practice with numbers for my expression, I arrived a number which is 9. This number describes my potential natural talents and abilities.

The process is not complicated and is easy to follow for those who will have the interest to play with numbers by using his/her birth name not like on part one – I used my birth date to calculate my life path number.

I learned that all the letters of the English Alphabet from “A” to “Z” can be turned into numbers as well as all the letters in our name at birth. The numbers I used here are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 as shown on my expression chart with the descriptions under it.

  • Under the number 1 – are the letters A, J and S.
  • Under the number 2 – are the letters B, K and T.
  • Under the number 3 – are the letters C, L and U.
  • Under the number 4 – are the letters D, M and V.
  • Under the number 5 – are the letters E, N and W.
  • Under the number 6 – are the letters F, O and X.
  • Under the number 7 – are the letters G, P and Y.
  • Under the number 8 – are the letters H, Q and Z.
  • Under the number 9 – are the letters I and R.

In practice I put the vowels above the name and the consonants underneath. This is because my heart desire is derived from the vowels alone, so it makes easier for me at the next step to do it that way. But there is one exception to the rule and this is with the letter ‘Y’. If ’Y’ acts as a consonant and is pronounced it is classed as being a consonant. If it is not pronounced or acts as a vowel it is classed as being a vowel. Example the ‘Y’ in Yolanda, for instance, would be classed as being a consonant, but the ‘Y’ in Larry would be classed as being a vowel as it acts as a vowel. 

To read my other articles click the following links:

How Do Numbers Tell Our Life Paths, Our Expressions and Our Heart Desires–part One

How Do Numbers Tell Our Life Paths, Our Expressions and Our Heart Desires–part Two

To calculate my Expression number, I worked the following steps. Using the above chart I put ’7′ below the p in my first name. I follow this with 1 placed above the a, then a 3 above the u, a 3 below the l, and so on… I then carry on in the same manner with the rest of my name. When I finished it, I ended up with my birth name chart as shown below.

Then I simply added up the numbers in each row.  

The top row: 1 + 3 + 9 + 6 + 6 + 9 + 5 + 3 + 5 = 47.

The bottom row: 7 + 3 + 5 + 4 + 5 + 7 + 9 + 3 = 43.

Then I added up the total of the top and bottom rows (47 + 43 = 90). Again I added (9 + 0 = 9). And so, my Expression is number 9. Next part will reveal what my Expression number 9 says about me and for those who were born with the same expression number.  

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How Do Numbers Tell Our Life Paths, Our Expressions and Our Heart Desires--part Two

Go 22

Image via Wikipedia

Published on Scienceray, Mar 7, 2011 Category – Mathematics

My life path number is 22. Number twenty-two have many different meanings in diferent subjects of learning such as 22 in mathematics, physics and chemistry, religion, numerals, sports, music, journalism, literature, fashion, art, film and television, weights and measures, computing, technology, photography, politics, jargon aside from astrology, palmistry and numerology.

The Life Path number 22 have many different meanings – you can check them out at the following links: 22 number, absoluteastronomy and babylonenglishfnumber.

For those who were born with the Life Path number 22 are considered to be the more powerful and the wiser of the two master numbers (11 and 22). Sometimes number 22’s are called the master builders in life as they are capable of imagining and then creating the huge systems and networks that support the very fabric of civilization. It is usually a 22 that is the propelling force when it comes to shifting the consciousness of great masses of people or improving the life quality of millions of people. Click Part One to read.

People with LP number 22 are an optimistic individual who has the rare capability to manifest his higher ideals into reality. He is blessed with the ability to realize even the most far-fetched and seemingly impossible ideas. He is a clear communicator and eloquent with words.

He is natural born leader and others willingly follow his direction. Usually he’s attractive in appearance. He finds his soul mate very early in life and usually stay with that one person until the end of his life. Usually this soul mate is presented to him almost as a matter of grace so he can focus on the larger more important matters he is fated to attend to.

He is brilliant, inventive and above average intelligence. Others find him to be charismatic and inspirational and his life is often filled with appreciative employees and friends. His very presence is reassuring and comforting to others and many seek out his advice and wise words. In fact, many 22’s become recognized sages and spiritual gurus by the end of their life.

As part of a karmic quirk, he’s probably born into wealth and privilege and it is likely he received a better education than most people. These are the tools that the cosmos gave him to excel on his life path. The only drawback of such a path is that others may become jealous and see him as “being born with a silver spoon in his mouth.”

People born with number 22 are almost assured enormous success, prestige and fame at some point in their life. Those who don’t become famous in the obvious sense are often the unsung geniuses behind progressive inventions and technology. However most 22’s are not motivated to achieve as a matter of reward. They probably enjoy what they do and would even do it for free.

People born with life path number 22  can make an exceptional parent, teacher, counselor and spouse. Perhaps the only thing they may not excel at is being a follower. 

He is very emotionally balanced and a guardian of all that is harmonious and beautiful in life. He’s a great lover of art, he may also serve as a patron to artists, poets or musicians.

He is considered to be an enlightened number, he will also be very charitable and philanthropic during his lifetime. Many charities and organizations will benefit from his wealth, as will his relatives, friends and family.

Despite his achievement, he will also be much beloved simply because he is such a humble individual. On a metaphysical level he might even have the ability to transform negative energy into positive as he is so wonderfully connected to the divine. 

He is very at peace with both his subconscious mind and higher self. He is distinguished by his ability to apply spiritual knowledge and in a practical way. He is secure emotionally and seemingly incapable of being distracted from his chosen path. He is consider himself to be above petty emotions and resentments and accept his tasks and emotional obligations with gratitude and a noble sense of duty.

Stay tuned for part three for - how do numbers tell our expressions. For the meantime, just enjoy reading part two and maybe you are one of those who were born with a life path number 22 – if interested save and share this article. 


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How Do Numbers Tell Our Life Paths, Our Expressions and Our Heart Desires--part One

Journal of Recreational Mathematics

Image via Wikipedia

Published on Scienceray, Mar 6, 2011 Category – Mathematics

Dictionaries and encyclopedias defined number as a mathematical object used to count and measure. In addition to their use in counting and measuring, numerals are often used for labels, for ordering, for coding and they can also tell our life paths, expressions and our heart desires. This topic is long, so I decided to write it by parts and will start on Life Path.

Life path is about a broad look at the opportunities and challenges that we will be presented with in this lifetime. It reveals key characteristics of our personality, the hurdles we must overcome to achieve happiness and the probable journey we will take. It is defined by the date of birth. It represents certain characteristics that are reference points for other aspects of our lives.

My Life Path Chart

Based on my birth date of April 29, 1960 – my life path number is 22. This number 22 and 11 are considered as “Master Numbers” by some numerologists, astrologists and palmists.

How is my life path calculated? My life path is calculated in four steps:

  • I retained the digit in my month of birth since it is not more than one digit.
  • I added up the digits in my day of birth since it is more than one digit.
  • I added up the digits in my year of birth.
  • Then I added up the answers from (1), (2), and (3) above.

My Life Path Number

With all the above calculations, I kept adding until I ended up with a single digit, or an 11 or 22 – which are special cases known as “Master Numbers. 

My month of birth is April, which is the 4th month. As 4 is a single digit, there’s nothing to add here. My day of birth is the 29th. I Added 2 + 9 and the result is 11. My year of birth is 1960. I added 1 + 9 + 6 + 0 and the results are 16. Then I added again 1 + 6 and it gives me 7. 

Now the totals then are 4, 11, and 7. To get the final result, I added these three numbers (4, 11 and 7) together to give me 22. And because 22 is a master number, I retained it as is.

Stay tuned for part two. I will reveal the significance of my life path 22. For the meantime, you can start calculating your life path number following what I did above – you will find it interesting too. 


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Four Ways to Share Our Triond Awesome Articles on Facebook

Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...

Image via CrunchBase

Published on Webupon, Mar 5, 2011 Category – Social Networks

If you’re inside Facebook you will see the section where you can choose and maximize on sharing your awesome articles to Facebook users.

That way of sharing is in accordance of Facebook policy and without spamming!

I might say that 99% to 100% among the contributors of Triond are already enjoying the maximum benefits of sharing articles on Facebook and that mostly of them have already familiarized the whole structure of Facebook.

May I ask you guys: How do you share your articles at Facebook?

I still remember – last December 2010, one of my Triond friends asked me this question “Does your article reach to all the Facebook or twitter users or to your friends only?

I replied by telling him the following, “Any stuff sent off to Twitter is open to its users. Any stuff shared to facebook will depend on how you want to share it to its users.”

Regardless of what type and kind of article that you would like to share to Facebook you are bound at least four ways to choose to share your article to Facebook users. If you were inside Facebook – updating your Facebook profile, you will see the section “Share”. Under it there are four ways or options to choose before sharing your article to facebook users.

  • Share it to your friends only.
  • Share it to your friends of friends.
  • Share it with your chosen audience.
  • Share it to everyone.

Read also:

Every time I share my articles at facebook, I always choose “everyone and friends of friends” alternatively. And that way of sharing is in accordance of facebook policy and without spamming!  

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My Complete Name is Only 17 Letters But After I Spelled Them Out It Totalled 89 Letters

FAA radiotelephony phonetic alphabet and Morse...

Image via Wikipedia

Published on Writinghood, Mar 3, 2011 Category – Writing

Paulino is my first name chosen by my father. Odien is my mother’s maiden name. Pruel is my father’s surname. My surname Pruel is included in the Biblical name – with a corresponding meaning as the "Name of the Angel guarding the South wind".

My complete name Paulino Odien Pruel is only 17 letters. But after I spelled them out they totalled 89 letters. How come?

To prove that I am telling you the truth nothing but the truth – I will flesh them out one by one and will show them to you – and who knows you would be interested too - to do the same what I have done. This is a kind of brain and mouth exercise and this is about learning.

My first name P A U L I N O = seven letters, My middle name O D I E N = five letters and My surname P R U E L = five letters. This totalled 17 letters.

To spell my first name PAULINO – I will take each letter one by one as shown below:

  • P is spelled as PAPA = 4 letters
  • A is spelled as ALPHA = 5 letters
  • U is spelled as Uniform = 7 letters
  • L is spelled as LIMA = 4 letters
  • I is spelled as INDIA = 5 letters
  • N is spelled as November = 8 letters
  • O is spelled as Oscar = 5 letters

After I spelled PAULINO and counted the letters it totalled 38 letters. Now I will proceed to spell my middle name which is ODIEN.

  • O is spelled as Oscar = 5 letters
  • D is spelled as Delta = 5 letters
  • I is spelled as India = 5 letters
  • E is spelled as Echo = 4 letters
  • N is spelled as November = 8 letters

My middle name has totalled 27 letters. Now to complete I will proceed to my surname which is PRUEL.

  • P is spelled as Papa = 4 letters
  • R is spelled as Romeo = 5 letters
  • U is spelled as Uniform = 7 letters
  • E is spelled as Echo = 4 letters
  • L is spelled as Lima = 4 letters

My surname has totalled 24 letters. So my complete name Paulino Odien Pruel - after I spelled them one by one from the original total of 17 letters now become 89 letters (first name 38 + middle name 27 + surname 24 letters).

To clear the headache I used the phonetic alphabets. Each letter found in the English Alphabets has a corresponding word in Phonetic Alphabets such as:


Phonetic Alphabets according to English Dictionaries and other Encyclopedias are often called Spelling Alphabets. It is used to spell out words when speaking to someone not able to see the speaker, meaning there are no visual cues which assist the listener. Giving one’s name over the telephone is a common scenario where a spelling alphabet is often used. It is not bad at all to learn and memorize the Phonetic Alphabets!


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Sunday, September 18, 2011

How to Tailor Tags Into an Awesome Article

Image by Blogue Techno via Flickr

Published on Writinghood, Mar 1, 2011 Category – Writing

Tags are powerful magnets that help boost traffics and views to our articles and to the websites that published them. They are compelling keywords and healthy recipe for the hungry search engine optimization.

This is what you would do:

  • First look for the tags you used with your articles that are published already. If you are at Triond – they are found at your profile page either at the top section or at the bottom section.
  • Try checking one of the tags found on that section – after checking it, you will see then that there are hundreds of related articles have used with the same tag written by different authors.
  • Now go back to your page and browse your published articles.
  • Take one of the tags you used from each article. Example: Plagiarism is Not a Crime- this is the title of the article published at socyberty. I used here six tags. I will take one tag from this article which is plagiarism. I will highlight now plagiarism and will insert the URL link of the article on it. If someone has clicked plagiarism – it will lead him to the site where the article Plagiarism is Not a Crime was published.
  • Now proceed writing your awesome article by using the different tags you used on your published articles with inspiration.

Out of 84 articles I have written and was published on those sites powered by Triond excluding this one if approved, I had used at least more than 300 tags – but out of the three hundred tags there are only 20 article tags considered by SEO (search engine optimization) as powerful keywords. 

  1. Business - many online bloggers, authors and writers are using this tag. 
  2. Creative Writing – many online writers on fiction or non fiction are using this tag.
  3. Facebook – one of the biggest social networks with more than 500 million users.
  4. Google – one of the fastest search engines in the Internet.
  5. Guides – many writers have used this for “how to article” for healthy and beauty tips and etc.
  6. Learning – one of the ten virtues that will heal our homes, family and nations.
  7. Mathematics – the only versatile branch of science that people should love.
  8. Money – everybody needs money but don’t let money control you.
  9. Online Income – by blogging and writing awesome articles to paying sites earn income.
  10. Paid To Write – writing reviews for anything, web contents including awesome blogging for paying sites.
  11. Philosophy – everyone lives and guided with norms and philosophy.
  12. Saudi Arabia – the pot of fortune and one of the biggest country oil producers in the world.
  13. Self-Improvement – everybody needs this for our health, life style and many more.
  14. Sex Education - to correct misconceptions about sex and for healthy living.
  15. Society – the world without society is a dead darkened bedroom and no life at all.
  16. Thoughts – everyone has many wonderful thoughts, ideas and opinions to share to the world.
  17. Triond – the place for our awesome blogging, awesome photos, awesome videos and awesome income.
  18. Twitter – a social network with more than 200 million users where to share our awesome articles. 
  19. Virtue – man is the highest form of animal in this planet - born with virtues that need to be cultivated.
  20. Wisdom – living without wisdom is a dead meat – live with wisdom and be happy.

Check out and read my other articles at Pruelpo Treasure Box.


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