Wednesday, September 7, 2011

My December Gift to Triond Community

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Published on  Dec 1, 2010 Category - Shopping

I am grateful to say it at this very moment that for the past three months that I am sharing my friendly thoughts and some silly ideas to Triond community, I found new friendships here and I found peace and happiness for doing it. I thank God for this blessings.

Recently, I wrote two reviews regarding Wellness Industry which is a Global Business Opportunity. On part one, I injected some sorts of vital questions that would help you framing out your decision before venturing business with DXN. I also have guided you about networking – its principles and how you could be benefited with DXN Global Business Opportunity. Read more: Hit Dxn and Build a Better Tomorrow–part One.

DXN Food and Supplements

On part two, I discussed about the significant on familiarizing DXN business from its successful business principles, the expansion of its market, its unique consumable products, its trends and timings and how to create a true leverage before investing money on it. Read more: Hit Dxn and Build a Better Tomorrow–part Two.

DXN Food and Beverages

If you only read those reviews they are all about a business within your pocket through the power of an ID card. Whoever owned the DXN International Card- the whole world is his market because DXN is already playing remarkably in 151 countries and still expanding. He enjoys all the benefits as a DXN distributor. Any DXN products he purchased, he received 15% to 25% discounts aside from earning the point value (PV) which is subject for cash rebates as his monthly bonus.

DXN Personal Care

And because December has began, the message of this article is my December gift to be given away to Triond community: to friends, friends of friends, readers and visitors. I will let you use my DXN International ID card when you purchase any of the DXN wellness products to enjoy the 15% up to 25% discounts. They are all available on all DXN centers worldwide though always ask for receipts. You can print the ID if you wished or copy the name and the member number.

DXN Skin Care and Cosmetics

DXN wellness products are unique and consumable. They are naturally manufactured without chemicals injected on them, with an extract of reishi (Japan), lingzhi (China), red mushroom (English) or the Ganoderma Lucidum known as the “King of Herbs“.

DXN HouseHold Products

These products are categorized as: DXN Food and Supplements, DXN Food and Beverages, DXN Personal Care, DXN Skin Care and Cosmetics, DXN HouseHold Products and DXN Water Treatment.

DXN Water Treatment.

These products help detoxify toxins out from the body. Toxins from the air we breathed, from the food we ate and toxins from the water we drinked. If interested leave your messages here. Advance Merry Christmas to all.

Full Story My December Gift to Triond Community

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