Sunday, September 11, 2011

Civility is The Fourth of The Ten Virtues That Will Heal Our Hearts, Homes and Nations

The Civility Barnstar is intended to reward us...

Image via Wikipedia

Published on Socyberty, Jan 23, 2011 Category – Philosophy

Civility refers to behavior between persons and groups that conforms to a social mode in accordance with the civil society, being a foundational principle of society and law. It carries the essence of politeness, courtesy, good manners, courteousness, respect, graciousness and consideration.

I was about nine year old and was a grade two pupil at that time. I had a classmate who cannot walk as normal as I was. He was our neighbor. His left leg was smaller and shorter than his right leg. Mostly of the time I made fun of him and laughed at him that made him cry. One day, I made some kind of disparaging remark of him without my notice that my mother was standing behind me and did hear me. She called me to get inside the house and quickly proceeded to sitting me down, hitting me with a broom and followed with a lecture.

I can still remember. Mother gave me to understand in no uncertain terms that among the peoples of the world there is neither inferiority nor superiority – that we are all sons and daughters of God and therefore sisters and brothers with each other and that we have the obligation to respect and help one another. I carried that lesson with me until now.

As we grow older, we have mingled widely with people of different races and cultures. Differences of race and culture are obvious but we have to look for the significant and enduring ways in which we are alike. Yes. We have cultural and theological differences but we are of one mind in our awareness about the problems of the world. We should recognize our great responsibility and opportunity to stand united for those qualities in public and in private life that speak of virtue.

To read my other articles on virtue, click LOVE, HONESTY and MORALITY.

In civility, there is need for respect for all men and women. There is need for civility and courtesy in our relationships and the need to preserve the family as the most important fundamental unit of society. We would have to carry in our hearts a desire to assist the poor and the needy, to lift the distressed, to givecomfort, hope and help to all who are in trouble and pain. We would have to recognize the need to heal the wounds of society and replace with optimism. If we can only avoid, there is no need for criticism against one another.

Civility is the root of the word civilization. It carries with the essence of courtesy, politeness and consideration of others. Caring for others, seeing and reaching beyond our own wants and comforts, cultivating kindness and gentility toward others from all of life’s situations and circumstances are the essence of civility, a virtue to be admired, a virtue to be acquired!


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