Saturday, September 17, 2011

Seven Reasons Why an Article is Rejected

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Image via Wikipedia

Published on Webupon, Feb 9, 2011 Category – Search Engines

Before sending off an article for publication to a paying site, first you have to check that the content is unique before submitting it and it meets the policy of the site in order to avoid from decline or rejection.

Each paying site has its own policy to follow when submitting articles. From my experiences with those paying sites including Triond, I found the following reasons why an article is declined or rejected.

(1) Some of the paying sites do not accept articles which are not written on fact-based information. The articles must be based on documented facts and available research. Some of the paying sites do not accept personal views or opinions on issues also - your articles must be based on fact and information.

(2) Your article title should include some SEO (Search Engine Optimization) keywords. You must submit a title that includes at least two SEO keywords. SEO keywords are specific, non-general terms that highlight specific information within your article that are likely search terms people would use.

(3) Some paying sites do not accept articles with ambiguous title. Your article title must clearly and specifically convey the topic and content of your article. Titles posed as teasers or ambiguous questions are not acceptable.

(4) Some paying sites also don’t accept articles with overly personal tone in title or body. The article must be written in a neutral and non-personal tone. The use of first-person I, ’me’ or My is not acceptable. The use of exclamation points in titles is also not acceptable.

(5) Some of the paying sites do not accept duplicated content. They only publish original material that has not been published elsewhere on the Web. Repeated submissions of duplicated materials is not allowed and sometimes will result in account suspension or deletion.

(6) Some of the paying sites do not accept articles with promotional links. Promotional links are not allowed in the body of your articles.

(7) Lastly, some of the paying sites don’t accept articles that contain grammatical or spelling errors. You must submit writing that is free of grammatical and spelling errors.


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